Winter Mountain Biking (December – March)

Various Southern Tier Trails NY, United States

Fat bikes are an awesome way to keep your bike mojo flowing during the winter months.  In addition to a few layers of extra clothes, local fat bike riders should arm themselves with information before setting out.  Guidelines and best practices for access, safety and sharing the trail can be found here.  Know where to […]

SnoFatShu Fat Bike / Snowshoe Duathlon (Feb 9)

Winona State Forest Mannsville, NY

SnoFatShu is the first snowshoe/fat bike duathlon of its kind in the country! Date: Sunday February 9, 2025 Time: 9:00 AM Location: CCC Camp at Winona Forest.  Mannsville, NY Duathlon - The Snofatshu consists of a snowshoe loop of just under 3 miles. Fat bike loop that will be about 11 miles. The sequence will […]

IditaFAT – Winona Forest Fat Bike Race (March 2)

Winona State Forest Mannsville, NY

​IditaFAT will be held Sunday, March 2, 2025 The race that all fat bike enthusiasts have been looking forward to!  Welcome to the Mecca of all fat bike events!  The IditaFAT truly distinguishes itself from other races, as Winona's experienced crew of volunteer groomers, many of whom are fat bikers themselves; maintain the trails multiple […]

Tuesday Cycle-CNY Mountain Bike Group Rides (May-Oct)

Various Southern Tier Trails NY, United States

Cycle-CNY hosts Tuesday evening group mountain bike rides during most of the season, typically starting in late-May and lasting through October....and occasionally into the winter.  Join the Cycle-CNY email list below for weekly updates on riding locations and times.  Rides typically begin at 6pm, and move a little earlier as Fall daylight shortens.  We try […]